The Autism Legal Resource Center is a national law and consulting firm serving health care providers, associations and families and individuals with autism seeking assistance with insurance and Medicaid funded services and related business and professional issues.
Representative Engagements
The ALRC works closely with colleagues in legal specialty teams to provide comprehensive services and depth of knowledge of particular issues as it related to autism and the law. Recent engagements include the following:
- Credentialing - assisted providers in resolving credentialing issues that resulted in reimbursement of over half a million dollars of previously unreimbursed claims.
- Reimbursement Issues - assisted provider in resolving documentation issues that resulted in the recovery of approximately one million dollars in previously unprocessed claims.
- Improper Treatment Limitations - secured removing of age, dollar, and visit limit caps on ST, OT, and ABA in major self-funded healthcare plans and state-funded plans.
- ABA Coverage - obtained authorization for coverage of ABA services in previously unapproved settings including school and clinic.
- Medicaid - worked with Medicaid officials on billing codes on behalf of providers to increase reimbursement rate and scope of reimbursable work.